Now you can look forward to the weekend with Temple Israel Young Professionals Group….
Meet new people, make new friends.
Temple Israel Young Professionals Group is geared for the 20 to 39 year old professionals. We meet and engage in lively conversation over dinner every 4th Friday of the month.
Future events which include -Challenge Race Team, Family Picnic in the Park and a Kickball Team.
A special Young and Young at Heart Shabbat Service is offered after dinner consisting of accoustic guitar music, lively readings, poetry as we and an interactive D’var Torah. You are encouraged to participate.
After the Oneg, we connect over cocktails at a local nightspot.
We are proud that this is our newest and fastest growing group of Temple Israel. We were featured in the May 31, 2013 ediition of the Staten Island Advance.
Here are our awesome events:
Sun, April 20 @ 9pm Trivia Night at 123 Bay Cafe
Fri, May 23 @ 6:45pm Potluck Dinner at Temple Israel
8:00pm Shabbat for the Young & The Young at Heart, Oneg followed by cocktails at a location tba
Check us out on Facebook!
For more information on the group or any of our HAPPENINGS, please contact us at
For additional information, contact Mike Baver at