Hello and welcome to the new Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island website. My name is Fred Simon and I am the current President. I began my second term on June 1st and have kept busy all summer with committees concerned with long range planning, upgrades to our facility, preparations for the High Holy Days and overseeing construction of this brand new site.
Many thanks for this site go to one of our congregants and our resident webmaster, Joanna Meltzer, for creating such a beautiful and informative site. Thanks to Sue Marks and Claire Guttsman for their input as well. I would also like to thank the Technology and Communications Department at the URJ and specifically Jared Shih, who gave us much of his time in supplying the tech suppport and advice that was so critical in getting the site up and running.
As you move around the site, you will find all the information you need about Temple Israel at your fingertips. Information on services and upcoming events will be updated on a regular basis. The temple calendar is also available for your future planning.
Starting in September, we will post excerpts from our monthly newsletter “Shalom” as well as monthly messages from me and Rabbi Michael Howald.
If you have any questions about our Temple or would like to contact me directly, please feel free to e-mail me at tmplisrael@aol.om. Mark the e-mail Attn: Fred Simon. You may also leave a message for me at 718-727-2231.
Enjoy the site.