Co-Presidents Message

This is a very important time of year and there are many important Temple opportunities.

We constantly make the congregation aware of the fact that we are a volunteer organization. Our only paid employees are the Rabbi, Cantor, Lara and our custodians. The rest of us volunteer our time and knowledge. However, what we produce is incredible. Visitors to Temple Israel have remarked that what we offer also most every day of the week is unparalleled. We offer religious, educational, and social activities year-round.

When a new person joins the adult choir, the Membership committee, any committee, it brings new life and perspective to the group. It gives the individual an inside look at the Temple’s operation. It is also a bonding experience and a confidence booster. The person is now a part of our synagogue.

On Sunday, February 9th we have our Congregational meeting. A committee will be organized to reach out to the congregation to find individuals who are willing to step up and be part of our backbone, our volunteers.

Your age is not a determinant. We are looking for everyone, every age, people who are willing and have new and fresh ideas. Think about becoming more involved. If you are contacted, ask questions, think about involvement and consider this as an opportunity to “give back, and be part of something great!”

We need and want YOU!


Bryn Biren & Russell Kaminsky
