Co-Presidents Message



We have just completed another year at Temple Israel that was filled with many, many religious, educational and just enjoyable activities. Before last year’s calendar meeting, we had discussed cutting back, not offering so many events.  We felt that there were too many offerings and that some of our congregants felt pressured to attend everything that was offered. Jerry Gross, our calendar master, was told that he had to consult with us before adding activities that were not scheduled at our annual calendar meeting that is held in June.

It is now seven months later, and we must make a confession. Many activities were added. There were game nights scheduled in the middle of the week, we gathered to play Bingo, we had guest speakers on Zoom, a theater trip was added, and so were many more events.   What did we learn for adding more offerings to our congregants? Our takeaway is that we have a wide variety of people who belong to our congregation. Some come only for services, but many consider the Temple their family. They look forward to socializing with their friends many days of the week. The Temple is their social and emotional support system. They enjoy a full calendar with a variety of offerings.


What each of you should be aware of is the great amount of time that goes into the preparation of each of these gatherings. A very successful Bingo event, a Chanukah Pajamaka evening and dinner, a single adult education evening on Zoom, a Bring a Dairy Dish to share supper, all require organization and effort to put into place. Huge thanks go Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Fundraising, Ritual, House, Membership, Caring Community, Religious school, ALL of our committees and EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO VOLUNTEERS TO ORGANIZE AND HOST AN EVENT. YOUR EFFORTS ARE APPRECIATED!!!!!


The next time you attend a gathering at Temple Israel take the time to thank the people who have made it possible. Time and effort went into even the simplest one.  Events don’t just happen!

Wishing everyone well and to be safe as the years closes!


Bryn Biren & Russell Kaminsky
