Our Educator’s Message

Dear Parents:

Jews are often called the “People of the Book,” a name given in testament to the value our people have placed on Jewish education for millennia.  Given the importance Judaism assigns to religious education, the School Board in partnership with the leadership of temple Israel and its clergy strive to inform parents and students regarding our education goals,  We know that it isn’t easy to provide a Jewish education for your children.  Your dedication to Jewish education not only requires a commitment of both time and resources, it also depends on your decision ot make Jeiwsh education a priority in your home.  We are grateful for your support and will strive over the coming school year to engage both students and parents in our common endeavor to teach the values, traditions and history of Judaism to a new generation.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either me or the members of our School Board.  We both want and need your feedback as the year progresses.

Finally, let me particularly commend our teachers who labor to impart their wisdom to our students.  In Judaism, hardly any higher praise exists than to call someone a teacher.

Indeed, the most sacred duty of a rabbi, first and foremost, is to be a teacher of Jewish tradition.  Our teachers are the true guardians of our future and I know you will join me in supporting their efforts to make the coming school year an occasion for both learning and delight.


Rabbi Michael Howald