
haKitonim Pre-k (age 3) to Kindergarden (age 5)

Building solid foundations in the study of Judaism and Hebrew education is what we are all about at this level.  Our educators and assistants provide a love of Judaism in a warm, nurturing  and conducive learning environment.

Our young students experience the following:

-Introduced to the aleph, bet, gimmels in a fun and effective hands on method method.

-Learn about the Jewish holidays and traditions solidified by hands on learning approach.

-Learn valuable lessons in Tikkun Olam by participating in social action outreach events.

-Learn Jewish values, and acquire an appreciation for being a Jew.

-Introduction of everyday Hebrew words including numbers, months, seasons, weather, and days of the week.

-Interactive learning through stories, songs, music, yoga, movement and dance.

-Introduction to Shabbat Services and participation in services.  Learn and know  the importance of the Shema.     alefbetpic

-Family oriented temple events which include Family Education Days and Family Shabbat Dinners.

-I*Torah learning Torah through Interactive Torah!