Kitah Aleph Serving Grades 1 & 2
Building on the solid foundations of Judaism and the Hebrew language, the following is taught at this grade level:
-Immersion of the Hebrew language is commenced.
-I*Torah reading and acting out weekly parsha, followed by discussion.
-The Jewish holidays and traditions are studied in depth.
-Shabbat Services and prayers including: V’shamru
Evening Michamochah
Evening Amidah including Shalom Rav
Students plan and participate in services.
-Tikkun Olam (repair of the world) is practiced through participation in Mitzvah Day events. The importance of Tzedekah (charity) is discussed and practiced.
-Introduction to the study of Israel
-Family participation is encouraged through Family Shabbat Services, Shabbat Dinners, Family Education Days and other family oriented events.