
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

There are many ways to donate to our great congregation and all donations are greatly appreciated and acknowledged.


Thank you to all who made donations from Nov 27 to Dec 13 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Oct 25 to Nov 22 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Sept 27 to Oct18 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from August 23 to Sept 20 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from July 26 to August 16 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from June 21 to July 19 view list here

hank you to all who made donations from May 24 to June 14 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from April 23 to May17 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from March 27 to April 19 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Feb 23 to March 22 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Jan 26 to Feb 16 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Dec 22 to Jan  19 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Nov 24 to Dec 15 view list here

Thank you to all who made donations from Oct 27 to Nov 17 view list here


The Friday Night Shabbat Program lists all the donations made to our special funds. There are many funds to choose from, a modest minimum donation amount of $5, checks made payable to Temple Israel
Adult Education Fund
Building Preservation Fund renamed the Jeff Ganz Building Preservation Fund
Caring Community Fund
Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
Choir Fund
Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration)
Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors)
Liheyot Fund
Membership Fund
Prayerbook Fund
Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund
Shoah Education Fund
Scholarship Fund
The Rabbi Michael D Howald Fund for Social Action & Tikkun Olam (formerly Social Action Fund)
In addition, there is The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, checks are to be made payable to The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.


Prayer Book Dedications are a beautiful and practical way to honor a special occasion or that special someone.  The name of the honoree(s) along with the occasion and your name will be on a beautifully printed label on the inside cover of the book you choose to be remembered forever.
We offer the following prayer books for dedication.

hhd prayer booksmishkantfilah 2  mishkantafilahforyouth gatesofrepentanceforyoungpeople

Mishkan HaNeFesh Liturgy for the Days of Awe    
Mishkan T’Filah , our newest Shabbat prayer book  
Support our youth! Dedicate a copy of our new Mishkan T’Filah for Youth, the book of prayer we use for our Family Shabbat Service  
Gates of Repentance for Youth, Children’s HHD Prayer Book used for Yom Kippur Children’s Service.  


Easy donations through Temple Israel’s Certificate Program


SPONSOR AN ONEG AND SPREAD YOUR JOY.  THE PERFECT  WAY TO CELEBRATE THAT SIMCHA (SPECIAL EVENT)..birthday, anniversary, engagement, wedding, graduation, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, or just because…


Your generosity will be greatly acknowledged and appreciated.  Call our office for additional information at 718-727-2231.


HELP REFOREST ISRAEL, plant a tree in Israel in your loved one’s name Jewish National Fund: Thanks to an anonymous donor, we now have an account for reforestation of the trees that were lost in the Carmel fire in Israel, and all profit goes to Temple Israel. For a donation of $18 per tree, you may celebrate a simcha or a memorial. Jo Ann Lewis is coordinating with JNF on this project. Send checks made out to Temple Israel with “JNF” in the memo, and send an order form to Jo Ann Lewis with the info for the tree certificate  order form


Remembering life’s treasured moments with an inscription of the event on a leaf from our Tree of Life.. Order form  

Also remember to bring in empty ink cartridges.  Not only are you helping our environment but we make a few dollars as well.