How often do you have services?

We have services on Shabbat – Friday night, and Saturday morning.

Family Shabbat Services are offered on the first Friday of the month.

There is Tot Shabbat for the 3-6 years of age on the third Friday of the month.

Our Youth Religious School has learning Shabbat Services on Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings.

What do I get for my membership dues?

Oodles. On top of the regular benefits of membership like High Holy Day tickets, Rabinical services, and more. Our Rabbi, staff, and members will be there to support you through life’s challenges and joys. You will also be supporting our synagogue and the great programs we offer. Our members find they get back much more than they pay for. 

How do I join Temple Israel ?

Call our Membership Director, Susan Marks 718.727.2231 and she’ll guide you through the process.

What if I can’t afford membership dues?

We have dues reductions available for anyone who needs it. Contact our Financial Secretary, Alan Siegel at 718.727.2231 for more information.