On December 25 a group of our congregation gathered at Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island to prepare a holiday meal for those less fortunate on
Staten Island. This annual event is conducted by our Social Action Committee in conjunction with Project Hospitality. Seventeen congregants and friends of the Temple gathered at 9am and prepared a virtual feast to be distributed later in the day. The menu consisted of Roasted chicken, Spanish Chicken and Rice, meatloaf, baked fish, pasta primavera, roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables, and a wide array of desserts. Thanks to all the hands, we were able to complete all the cooking in about 3 hours. The group consisted of Committee Chair Judy Scher, Rabbi Michael Howald, Temple President Fred Simon, congregants Claire Guttsman, Dennis Guttsman, Jory Guttsman, Steve Scher, Pam Carlton, Beverly Mazer, Linda Brill, Deanna Feder, Ilene Pappert, Derek Rogozin, and Temple friends Yvonne Yuster and Linda Doening. Special thanks to Pam Rogozin who prepared the menu and purchased all the food. Many thanks to all for your hard work and dedication to those on Staten Island who need us in these tough times.