The Sisterhood of Temple Israel
We raised $1,036.00 this year for the Breast Cancer Walk. Sisterhood walkers were Deanna Feder, Linda Brill, Jerry and Karen Gross, Anita and Bob Zuckerberg, Linda and Larry Hanibal, Blanche Ricci, Susan Marks, Lorraine Isenberg and Inez Singer.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
(Jonathan Larson, RENT)
As we reach the end of our fourth year as your Sisterhood Co-Presidents, we ask ourselves a similar question….How do you measure Sisterhood’s Year?
· In the thousands of chocolate gelt coins which filled our magnificent Chanukah mosaic mural?
· In the number of edits to our calendar because we keep adding events throughout the year?
· In Bingo cards and daubers and all the numbers called at our very first Bingo event ever at Temple Israel?
· In all the pins knocked down at our Bowling Bonanza chaired by one of our newest members?
· In the number of new glass coffee mugs we purchased?
· In the awards and acknowledgements our members receive because they go “above and beyond”?
· In the hundreds of questions asked as we learned “Everything We Always Wanted to Know About Shabbat But Were Afraid to Ask’?
· In the number of times we licked our brushes as we painted with chocolate at our “Wine & Chocolate Painting” Event?
· In the hours it takes to carefully apply for a WRJ Incubator Grant?
· In the amazing support we received from those men who have chosen to become “Friends of Sisterhood”?
· In the number of laughs provided by our guest comedian at our Paid Up Members Event?
· In the number of flyers created to advertise everything we do?
· In the organizations which benefited from our bi-monthly Tsedakah collections?
· In interesting and motivating programs presented at our monthly meetings?
· In the amount of cookies, cakes, fruit platters and cups of coffee at our beautiful weekly onegs?
· In the number of Chanukah candles which lit up our Chanukah/New Member Dinner?
· In hours of planning and set up for the Chanukah/New Member Supper, Tu B’Shevat Oneg, Passover Community Seder?
· In the number of times we update our SH membership list in order to add our new members?
· In the ‘Thank You’ notes and letters we receive from congregants and organizations?
· In the number of people who helped prepare meals to be served at local shelters?
· In the full agendas we have for every meeting?
· In conversations with custodians about correct set-ups for all events?
· In pounds of rummage sale items packed and unpacked and then packed up again to be shipped off for further donation?
· In the number of Shabbat Gift Bags presented to our new members?
· In Purim groggers and Simchat Torah flags?
· In the amount of steps taken at the Gift Show to find beautiful items for our Judaica Shop?
· In the conversations we have with Sisterhoods from other Temples to gain more knowledge and share new ideas?
· In the delight of our members as they received the most extraordinary and creative Shalach Manot gifts thoughtfully designed by our chairpersons?
· In the number of compliments our Sisterhood receives?
· In the hours of planning meetings with Brotherhood, the Rabbi, the Ritual Committee and the Temple Secretary?
· In the gifts purchased at our Judaica Fair?
· In the number of tablecloths laundered each week?
· In thousands of cups, plates, utensils we consistently provide for use by our entire congregation?
· In the names printed on our annual community New Year’s Card designed by a talented Sisterhood member?
· In phone calls and e-mails arranging for assistance with Sisterhood events?
· In traditions and rituals we try very hard to uphold at our Temple?
· In Shabbat and Yom Tov candles and blessings?
· In potato latkes, seder plates, apples, nuts and raisin packages?
· In contributions to the Youth, Education and Special Projects Fund of WRJ?
· In bottles of wine and juice for our Shabbat Kiddushes?
· In Raffle tickets sold for our fundraising events?
· In yards of aluminum foil and plastic wrap used for meals and platters and donations?
· In the number of tables filled with our members as we honor our members at community events?
· In all the Good & Welfare updates sent out to our members?
· In stamps for hundreds of mailings?
· In the Tanakhs, texts and Torah Commentaries given as gifts to B’Nai Mitzvah and Confirmation Students?
· In the number of times the words “thank you” are spoken?
· In the dozens of cookies carefully selected for each Oneg?
· In money raised at fundraisers to support all that SH does for our Temple?
· In the thousands of dollars spent on Journal Ads honoring our members and clergy?
· In the steps taken as we walk together to fight Breast Cancer together?
· In the tens of thousands of dollars we donate to our Temple?
· In the amendments made to our Constitution to make sure that we are serving our members and our organization the best of our ability?
· In the women who happily pay their dues for next year at our End of Year Dinner this year?
· In the writing and reading of the detailed minutes of every meeting?
· In the women who are always there for each other in times of need?
· In the arguments that take place because we all care so much?
· In the number of opening and closing prayers which sometimes bring tears to our eyes because of our love for our sisters?
· In the dues we pay to Women of Reform Judaism?
· In the laughter heard at our End-of-Year celebratory dinner?
· In SH members who sit on every committee at our Temple?
· In the number of hours put into planning a very special Sisterhood Installation Service?
· In the thousands of minutes spent in meetings or preparing for meetings or cleaning up from meetings?
· In communications between Florida and NY so everyone can stay in touch all year?
· In the birthday and anniversary celebrations each month?
· In the hours spent in cars driving to temple while schlepping boxes and packages and children and supplies?
· In the number of edits of a monthly bulletin article?
· In phone calls and e-mails to order kitchen supplies or oneg bakery and fruit orders?
· In the time spent preparing budgets and financial reports?
· In the polishing of the silver as we ready ourselves for the High Holidays?
· In the number of Sisterhood checks written?
· In the number of e-mail reminders about Oneg Serving?
· In the bagels and salads and pounds of lox and hours spent preparing breakfast for our monthly meetings?
· In the pride we feel when our own daughters become members of our Sisterhood?
· In the careful thought of a nominating committee who works hard to make sure SH will continue to thrive?
· In the hopes we have that our younger members will become more involved?
· In the hours upon hours of time the women of Temple Israel dedicate to making sure Temple Israel is there for us now and in the future?
So, how do you measure a year in the life of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel?
You measure it in love.
Thank you all for another amazing year in the history of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel and for having enough faith in us to allow us to continue to lead Sisterhood for another year.